There has been a bit of rumbling in the mat riding community about the change that has occurred in the last couple of years in the mat riding world. Personally, I am unfussed by all the fuss and happy to see surf mats becoming more popular and used in whatever way people might choose to do so!
Anyway, here is a little bit more change for you to deal with. It has been exactly three years to the day since I started this blog and I have posted like mad ever since as I embarked on my mat riding journey. Well, I am announcing that this will now cease. The posts that is, not my personal mat riding journey which will continue unabated.
Why have I made this decision? Well it is time for a change. Good old change. Don't you just love the inevitability of it? I have flown the flag for surf mats for a long time and I am over it now and ready to hand on the baton to others. After three years of riding a surf mat, I am finding I have little to talk about anymore as I have the basic techniques down and will now concentrate on making them more musical so to speak. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing about it all here but have not enjoyed the flak I have copped from some quarters along the way over that period. The most extraordinary of these resulted in my being unable to purchase 4GF surf mats, which I still ride and have expounded on the virtues of countless times!! This was, of course, because I refused to not post about Mark Thomson and his great mat, the Krypt MT5, that has helped to introduce an avalanche of new people to the joys of mat riding. MT has also been responsible for contributing some really great material to post about here and I am very appreciative of his efforts in that regard. Anyway, sorry chaps but the target is now down!
The only rider to this non-posting declaration is that any entries for the Tube Ride of the Year Competition will continue to be posted and ultimately the result of it of course. Posts here will cease entirely once the competition is complete. The blog will remain up on-line for future mat riders to explore and I will continue to post stuff on the ASMR Facebook page.
If you have suddenly landed up here, there is a wealth of material on all things mat related for your edification. Do take the time to look back through the blog as I am sure you will not regret having done so.
Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to drop by and particular thanks to those of you who have also provided me with material to post about.
I look forward to sharing a session with you if you happen to be in Denmark sometime!